Ape_Bleakney_Predecessors_Day 2 FRONT - 020x copy 3 CROPPED.jpg

Predecessor Posters / Truth Tellers, Peace Makers, Justice Seekers


Screen printed poster series, looking to predecessors for inspiration and example in hard times. Each measures 12.5’’x19’’.

Profits donated to multiple organizations (see each print for details).



Daniel Berrigan

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland



Mother Jones

25% profit donated to the Cleveland Liberation Center

25% profit donated to Honesty for Education Ohio

25% profit donated to the Cleveland Liberation Center



Octavia E. Butler

25% profit donated to the ACLU Ohio



Desmond Tutu

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland



Thích Nhât Hahn

50% profit to IRTF Cleveland



Maggie Kuhn

25% profit donated to the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition



Hélder Câmara

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland



Dorothy Day

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland



Thomas Merton

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland



Helen Keller

25% profit donated to the ACLU Ohio

25% profit donated to the Cleveland Liberation Center



Malcolm X

25% profit donated to the Tamir Rice Foundation



Ida B. Wells

25% profit donated to the Tamir Rice Foundation



Óscar Romero

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland



Martin Luther King Jr.

50% profit donated to IRTF Cleveland